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Bob and Kristy Swank

Leaders, YWAM Salt Lake City

We are grateful Jesus got ahold of our lives when we were in our teenage years and early 20s. We want others to experience His life changing love and power and be discipled in His ways. Kristy joined YWAM in 1984 and Bob in 1986. We have seen God reveal Himself through us as we show hospitality and disciple others. We are called to equip and mobilize the Body of Christ to reach the unreached and disciple a generation of missionaries to be intimate with Jesus, know who they are in Christ, and live lives of obedience to Him!

To read Bob and Kristy’s bio click on their photo.

Bob & Kristy Swank


Our history with YWAM

1984-1993: We were based out of Arkansas, serving in Mexico and Central America.

1993-1998: We pioneered a work outside of Cuernavaca Mexico where we partnered with both Hispanic and Aztec indigenous churches.

1998-2001: We were back in Arkansas, heading up the operations departments and overseeing new works being pioneered in multiple nations.

2001-2006: We served in Scotland, initially heading up the National Frontier Missions Center and then pioneering a work in the local community of Largs, focused on discipleship, children and teens.

Serving in the Local Church and Business

2006-2019 Executive and Missions Pastor at LifeMission Church in Olathe, KS

2019-2022 Buying/Sourcing Position with an outdoor products company

In YWAM Again!

Launched YWAM Salt Lake City! June 2023